our service for

Real Estate Owners

Our intent is to allow any property owner to simply and successfully develop their real estate. Everything from industrial rezoning's, to turn-key ground up developments.

Even for those with no experience, no developmental background and no resources, we provide the opportunity for property owners everywhere to have the best development outcomes. We work with property owners of all kinds to propose solutions that are financially feasible and can be successful in the property's market conditions.

Realtors & Brokers

We engage local realtors and brokers who have extensive hands-on knowledge of market conditions. This helps ensure that your development has access to the best the industry has to offer. Our technology helps support their knowledge base and allows them to fully utilize their experience and relationships to maximum efficiency.


We work with local contractors to ensure projects are consistent and utilize the most efficient designs and local materials to minimize change orders and delays. From supply chain disruptions to labour shortages, we understand the difficult and ever-changing nature of construction. We consistently have fewer changes and delays on our projects, which means that your project is delivered faster and more efficiently.

Property Managers

The process doesn't end when a project is complete and occupied. We understand the life cycle of development, and we can set up a maintenance plan, insurance policy and provide all the latest documentation and info to the property manager. It makes the transition much smoother and easier and helps maximize building success even after the contractor and consultants have completed their work.

Architects & Engineers

We do much of the upfront legwork to make the consultant's job as straightforward as possible. Through our experience, platform and analytics, we eliminate many of the iterations and changes that typically account for a majority of the architect's and engineer's time.

Working with an optimal project design team, we remove any administrative barriers and allow them to focus their expertise to deliver the best service possible. Our platform gives them access to consistent projects and scopes and prevents the need for them to find clients, chase information and invoices, and deal with miscommunication. These are just a few of the many reasons why consultants prefer working with us.

Investment Groups

If a real estate owner does not have the funds required to complete the project, we offer a network of investment groups that will come alongside to provide capital support for the development. We allow estate funds and groups access to these top-notch developments to provide capital infusion and maximize their ROI.

By doing this, we open up the world of development to any property and real estate owner. Our platform makes it easy for these investment groups to review and see these projects and their potential, ensuring that investors have the information they need to make informed investment decisions.